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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19573
This Months Entries: 13
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maker (7 entries)
squiz (5 entries)
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maker (Stoke Factor: 23 )
squiz (Stoke Factor: 14 )
alistair (Stoke Factor: 5 )

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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2942

27th March 2012
Hiking - Walking: Source des Gillardes
Wind Direction:
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Weather: Sunny
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Tuesday 27th Mar.2012 – Walking ***** - warm and sunny

Top night by our nearly empty Lac, did our exercises for the first time in ages and then breakfast at a picnic bench. Then a change of direction instead of heading to the ski resort of la Chapelle-en-Valgaudemar we went the other way toward Superdevoluy, we stopped at the Barrage du Sautet and watched the swifts over the dam :) EDF make hydro electricity here and had all sorts of activities including a zip wire across the deep gorge under the road bridge and over the dam!!! There was also an adventure climbing wall and a cage that dropped visitors into the gorge, sadly most were closed :( Again the road took your breath away and you had to pinch yourself that you were here!! We crossed a long flat plateau, watched the kestrels and then headed up and down mountain roads surrounded by huge chunks of rock. We then saw a sign for the Source des Gillardes and stopped and headed the short distance as you can’t beat a good Source :) We read the signs wrong and ended up scrambling down a steep bank past lots of fallen pines to the road and a large car park just around the corner from where we left the van and where we should have parked!!! We found the signs for the source again which was a short distance along a wooded path and the sight we found was just amazing because without warning the water from huge underground lakes just came gushing out of the rocks in the form of a waterfall!!! One of the most astonishing things we have seen and was a photographers dream with tumbling water coming from every direction :) We even saw a dipper playing on the rocks and I even paddled across one of the streams, boy it was cold :( The area was well signed with the choice of long and short walks; we chose the short and walked downstream across a couple of bridges and back to the source. It was time to find the van, we scrambled up the slope again, at the top I discovered I had lost my camera hood so I went back to look for it while Mag got the van. Luckily I found it and Mag picked me up at the bottom and we drove the short distance to the car park and decided to stop here the night - we have only travelled 8 miles today!!! This is no ordinary car park, it is quite remote, in a deep gorge with fast flowing water all around and we found a small sunny area with our own picnic table where we had lunch at past three in the afternoon. We then read for awhile before setting of for another walk as the sun dropped behind the mountain and where out for another couple hours enjoying the peace and quiet as we didn’t see another soul and I had fun taking some blurred water shots and then back to the van for a top mince and mash meal and to discover we have some company tonight as there is another VW parked just from us with a couple of Frenchmen in who keep looking up the huge rocks
behind us – climbers perhaps???!/media/set/?set=a.3129837677540.2137243.101266056 2&type=1

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